Friday, July 25, 2008

Another visit to the hospital

Antoher visit will be this evening. Scheduled for tonsillectomy tomorrow morning. This procedure is highly recommended by the ENT, I have all the criterias. Wish me well. To my needlecraft friends in the viccinity, if you need a spot where you could stitch and bitch, just holler hehehehe

Lagi lawatan ke hospital. Kena buang tonsil esok pagi. ENT yang aku jumpa sangat-sangat rekomen buat ni sebab aku ada semua kriteria yg membolehkan prosedur ni. Doakan aku sihat walafiat. Kepada kawan-kawanku yang suka jahit-menjahit dekat-dekat sini, kalau nak cari 'pot' lepak, telefon laaa yea hehehehe

1 comment:

Lillie said...

Wished you everything is well. You've been away for soooo long.