Last week, I received a lovely MailArt from Wendy. Even Mr Postman was smitten with admiration, he had a big smile on his face when he delivered the MA to me.

It is a Lizzie*Kate pattern stitched on linen. OOOhhh ! I just love the colours, so vibrant and cheery. Wendy is fondly nicknamed as the 'Queen of Mail Arts' in another Yahoo Group b'coz she had made & sent out many beautiful Mail Arts, be it for exchanges or personal swaps, even kindly sending them out to her families.
My recipient is yet to receive a MailArt from me. Will upload a pic, once it is safe in the hand of the recipient.
Its so lovely,my guessed is,Mr Postman is not the only one smiling.
~ Lillie..
How gorgeous!! :)
Lillie absolutely ! *ROTFLOL*
Isabelle Indeed! it is gorgeous!
U R the lucky ones Cheez ! And Wendy really the MA Queen.. Can't wait to see it in person, when U back here for good..
what a lovely mailart !
Hi Zalita,
I have been searching Yahoo groups for hours, but can't find that Mail Art Group. Would you be able to post a link to me? If you can leave a message on Patra's Place with the link, that would be soooo much appreciated!
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